Welcome Marko Grilc and Arianna Tricomi!
The SWOX team just grew by one snowboarding legend and one talented free rider: Marko Grilc and Arianna Tricomi!
It’s not just the snow depths on the US East Coast and in the southern Alps that are growing … the SWOX team has just been expanded by two fine riders, who feel most at home in deep, fresh powder: Slovenian snowboarding legend Marko Grilc and the talented Italian freeride skier Arianna Tricomi.
Marko Grilc (aka. Grilo) is a true snowboarding legend – he was one of the first Eastern European snowboarders to reach international fame. He moved to Austria due to the lack of suitable training conditions in his home country, Slovenia. After featuring in David and Boris Benedeks movie “91 Words for Snow” in 2005, everyone knew his name. Check out his part in this legendary snowboard movie. Link.
He won the 2011 Billabong Air & Style, competed in the X Games and at London Freeze Festival.
Grillig 2.29
Even now that some years have passed and he has a son, he has stayed true to snowboarding: he posts a new GriLog on his Facebook-Page every week – it is dope! Make sure to check his website and watch a episode. Rumoured to be part of a new movie. We can’t wait!
Freeride skier and psychotherapist Arianna Tricomi from Alta Badia in the Dolomites first joined the Freeride World Tour in 2016 and immediately became the scene’s new young hopeful. She got third place in her first year and repeated her success in 2017. You’ll see her again at this year’s Freeride World Tour, with its first stop in Hakuba, Japan, between 20th and 27th January. Arianna is aiming for first or at least second place this season.
Go Ari – SWOX has your back!