Team SWOX succeeds at Drawdown EcoChallenge
Worldwide 21-day engagement program focuses on carbon reduction
The online challenge took place April 3-24 and followed actions highlighted in „Drawdown“, a New York Times bestseller based on diligent research that portraits, measures and describes already existing solutions to global warming.
With 9 members team SWOX was small, compared to the winning team with almost 300 members. However together we saved over 700 Gallons of water and almost 500 Pounds of CO2 and thus gathered almost 2000 points in the EcoChallenge coming in on #233 of well over 1,000 teams.
More importantly the Drawdown EcoChallenge website provides fantastic tools and inspiration to turn intention into action. Over eighty actions provide diverse options to reduce carbon usage.
While the EcoChallenge is officially over, the website is still a phenomenal resource to educate yourself about how to reduce carbon usage. Click here to learn about the different actions and just hit the „learn more“ button for details, explanations and easy ways to change your habits.