Four women from Hamburg at the finish line of the toughest rowing race in the world
Congrats RowHHOME!
After 42 days and 46 minutes at sea RowHHome from Hamburg, Germany finished the toughest rowing race in the world. With their time Catharina Streit, Meike Ramuschkat, Stefanie Kluge and Timna Kluge finished 17th in the 2019 Talisker Whisky Challenge. The four women were supported by SWOX sun protection on their adventurous journey.
On January 23, 2020 team RowHHome safely reached their final destination English Harbor in the Caribbean. The most challenging rowing race in the world features teams from all over the globe. The race crosses the Atlantic Ocean from La Gomera, Canary Islands to the Caribbean Island Antigua.
Catharina “Cätschi“ Streit, Meike Ramuschkat, Stefanie “Steffi” Kluge and Timna Kluge rowed in their high-tech boat “Doris”. With their time of 42 days and 46 minutes they are also the fastest Germans who ever crossed the Atlantic in a rowing boat.
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RowHHome on IG
During the race the ladies from Hamburg had to be prepared for all eventualities, using only the best and most reliable equipment possible. Boat “Doris” is an eight meter long high tech machine and the ladies followed a rigid schedule of rowing and sleeping after months of training.
While rowing for two hours at a time through rough seas, sweating, spindrift and salt water in their faces, professional skin protection was essential. Their favorite product on the journey was the SWOX SPF50 Lotion with maximum sun protection, non-greasy, hypoallergenic, paraben & perfume free formula, and extra waterproof guaranty.
Hamburg movie makers Silvia und Guido Weihermüller covered the journey of team RowHHome at the toughest rowing race in the world from the beginning. In Summer 2020 the couple will release a movie called „Wellenbrecherinnen“. While enjoying the movie, everybody will be able to take a seat in „Doris“ and cross the Atlantic Ocean. Until then small episodes of Hamburg’s RowHHomes journey at the toughest rowing race in the world are available on the website.
Fun Fact: As of today more people have climbed Mount Everest than rowed across the Atlantic
Team RowHHome rowed for German Charities Kinderlachen e.V. and Zeit für Zukunft Mentoren e.V.
Photo (c): @AtlanticCampaigns and RowHHome